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[ http://web.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/csci2132/ ]
Fall 2018 (Sep4-Dec4) Faculty of Computer Science Dalhousie University |
Time: | Mon-Wed-Fri 12:35-13:25; Labs Thu B01 08:35-09:55, B02 08:35-09:55, B03 08:35-09:55, B04 10:05-11:25, B05 10:05-11:25, and B06 11:35-12:55. |
Location: | Chemistry 125; Labs: B01 in CS-143 (TLab 2), B02 in CS-133 (TLab 1), B03 in CS-142 (TLab 3) (was LSC-Common-Area 220), B04 in CS-143 (TLab 2), B05 in CS-133 (TLab 1), and B06 in CS-143 (TLab 2). |
Instructor: | Vlado Keselj, office: CS bldg 432, phone: 902-494-2893, e-mail: vlado@dnlp.ca |
Office hours: | "Open-door" policy, unless in a meeting or on a phone call. To be sure that I am available, please make an appointment by e-mail. |
E-mail list: | csci2132@lists.dnlp.ca |
Head TA: | Serikzhan Kazi, email: sr520720@dal.ca |
TAs: | Alicia Wong, email: Alicia.Wong@dal.ca Andrew Almabekov, email: Andrey.Almabekov@dal.ca Dijana Kosmajac, email: Dijana.Kosmajac@dal.ca Sirsaichand Singamaneni, email: chandu.singamaneni@dal.ca Zhenbang Wang, email: zh961592@dal.ca |
Markers: | Aman Tewary, email: aman.tewary@dal.ca Maria Jessen, email: MJessen@dal.ca |
This course introduces programming and software development techniques in a procedural language. In particular, the C programming language and the UNIX operating system will be used to teach program design paradigms, source code management, software testing, debugging, scripting, and other techniques useful for software development. (calendar description)
30% | : (A) Assignments (tentatively 7-10 assignments, best n-1 used for grading if n is the number of assignments and n>6); Some practicums are planned with their marks incorporated into the assignment mark. |
10% | : (M1) Midterm I (could be 0%; see the final grade formula) |
10% | : (M2) Midterm II (could be 0%; see the final grade formula) |
50% | : (F) Final Exam (could be 70%; see the final grade formula) |
Final grade = A * 30% + max(M1*10%+M2*10%+F*50%, F*70%) |
Required Textbook: |
Recommended Reading: |